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 리얼 바카라 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트


个人简介 科研项目 学术论文 其他介绍



博士联合培养:2009-2010 德国德累斯顿工业大学 专业:分子生物学

学士起止时间:2002-2006 毕业院校:湖南师范大学 专业:生物基地班


起止时间 单位名称 职务

2022-至今,bet365 코리아bet365 코리아党委委员、党支部书记

2021-至今,bet365 코리아 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트副主任

2021-至今,bet365 코리아bet365 코리아副院长

2018-至今, bet365 코리아 bet365 코리아 教授、博导

2013-2017,bet365 코리아 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트 博士后











3.bet365 코리아杰出中青年学者(第一层次),2022.1-2026.12,主持


5.bet365 코리아齐鲁青年学者,2018.7-2023.6,主持








1.Yu, G.; Duan, Q.; Cui, T.; Jiang, C.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Fu, J.; Zhang, Y.;Wang, H. *(并列通讯作者)& Luan, J.*, Development of a bacterial gene transcription activating strategy based on transcriptional activator positive feedback,Journal of Advanced Research, 2023, Dec 18:S2090-1232(23)00400-9.(IF=11.4,综合性期刊一区)

2.Li, X.; Guo, R.; Luan, J.; Fu, J.; Zhang, Y. &Wang, H.*(独立通讯作者), Improving spinosad production by tuning expressions of the forosamine methyltransferase and the forosaminyl transferase to reduce undesired less active byproducts in the heterologous hostStreptomyces albusJ1074,Microbial Cell Factories, 2023, 22(1), 15.(5年IF=6.3,生物工程与应用微生物一区)

3.李雨桐,崔天琦,张海林,于广乐,栾霁*,王海龙*,肿瘤靶向细菌Escherichia coliNissle 1917在癌症治疗中的研究进展,中国生物工程杂志,2023, 43(6): 54-68.

4.姜婵娟,崔天琦,孙洪娈,焦念志,符军,张友明*,王海龙*(主通讯作者),ExoCET-BAC策略高效抓取和组装高AT含量基因组大片段,合成生物学,2022, 3(1): 238-251.

5.Jiang, T.#,*; Yang, X.#; Li, G.; Zhao, X.; Sun, T.; Muller, R.;Wang, H. *(并列通讯作者); Li, M.* & Zhang, Y.*, Bacteria-Based Live Vehicle for In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging,Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93(47), 15687-15695.(IF=6.986,化学一区)

6.Tang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Cui, T.; Lei, P.; Guo, Z. *;Wang, H. *(并列通讯作者)& Liu, Q. *, The Discovery of Actinospene, a New Polyene Macrolide with Broad Activity against Plant Fungal Pathogens and Pathogenic Yeasts,Molecules, 2021, 26(22).

7.Song, C.#; Luan, J.#; Li, R.; Jiang, C.; Hou, Y.; Cui, Q.; Cui, T.; Tan, L.; Ma, Z.; Tang, Y. J.; Stewart, A. F.; Fu, J.; Zhang, Y. &Wang, H.*(独立通讯作者), RedEx: a method for seamless DNA insertion and deletion in large multimodular polyketide synthase gene clusters,Nucleic Acids Research, 2020, 48(22), e130.(IF=16.971,生化与分子生物学一区)

8.Jiang, C; Zhou, H; Sun, H; He, R; Song, C; Cui, T; Luan, J; Fu, J; Zhang, Y; Jiao, N;Wang, H.*(独立通讯作者),Establishing an efficient salinomycin biosynthetic pathway in three heterologousStreptomyceshosts by constructing a 106-kb multioperon artificial gene cluster,Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 2021, 118: 4668-4677. (IF=4.530,生物工程与应用微生物二区)

9.Abbasi, M. N.; Fu, J.; Bian, X.;Wang, H.*(并列通讯作者); Zhang, Y.* & Li, A.*, Recombineering for Genetic Engineering of Natural Product Biosynthetic Pathways,Trends in Biotechnology, 2020, 38(7), 715-728.(IF=19.536,生物工程与应用微生物一区)

10.Song, C.#; Luan, J.#; Cui, Q.; Duan, Q.; Li, Z.; Gao, Y.; Li, R.; Li, A.; Shen, Y.; Li, Y.; Stewart, A. F.; Zhang, Y.*; Fu, J.* &Wang, H.*(主通讯作者), Enhanced heterologous spinosad production from a 79-kb synthetic multi-operon assembly,ACS Synthetic Biology, 2019, 8(1), 137-147.(IF=5.110,生化研究方法二区)

11.Wang, H.(第一作者); Li, Z.; Jia, R.; Yin, J.; Li, A.; Xia, L.; Yin, Y.; Muller, R.; Fu, J.*; Stewart, A. F.* & Zhang, Y.*, ExoCET: exonuclease in vitro assembly combined with RecET recombination for highly efficient direct DNA cloning from complex genomes,Nucleic Acids Research, 2018, 46(5), e28.(IF=16.971,生化与分子生物学一区)

12.Wang, H.#(并列第一作者); Li, Z.#; Jia, R.; Hou, Y.; Yin, J.; Bian, X.; Li, A.; Muller, R.; Stewart, A. F.*; Fu, J.* & Zhang, Y.*, RecET direct cloning and Redab recombineering of biosynthetic gene clusters, large operons or single genes for heterologous expression,Nature Protocols, 2016, 11(7), 1175-1190.(IF=13.491,生化研究方法一区)

13.Wang, H.(第一作者); Bian, X.; Xia, L.; Ding, X.; Müller, R.; Zhang, Y.*; Fu, J.* & Stewart, A. F.*, Improved seamless mutagenesis by recombineering usingccdBfor counterselection,Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, 42(5), e37.(IF=16.971,生化与分子生物学一区)

14.Jing, X.#; Cui, Q.#; Li, X.; Yin, J.; Ravichandran, V.; Pan, D.; Fu, J.; Tu, Q.;Wang, H.*(并列通讯作者); Bian, X.* & Zhang, Y.*, EngineeringPseudomonas protegensPf-5 to improve its antifungal activity and nitrogen fixation,Microbial Biotechnology, 2020, 13(1), 118-133.(IF=5.813,生物工程与应用微生物二区)

15.Luan, J.#; Li, Z.#;Wang, H.*(独立通讯作者); Fu, J. & Zhang, Y.,In vitroassay revealed mismatches between guide RNA and target DNA can enhance Cas9 nuclease activity,Current Chinese Science, 2020, 1(1), 69-72.

16.Zhang, Y.#; Liu, R.#; Tian, K.#; Wang, Z.#; Yang, X.; Gao, D.; Zhang, Y.; Fu, J.*;Wang, H.*(并列通讯作者)& Zhao, J.*, Fiber2 and hexon genes are closely associated with the virulence of the emerging and highly pathogenic fowl adenovirus 4,Emerging Microbes & Infections, 2018, 7(1), 199.(IF=7.163,微生物学二区)

17.Wang, H.(第一作者); Yao, T.; Cai, M.; Xiao, X.; Ding, X. & Xia, L.*, A genome walking strategy for the identification of nucleotide sequences adjacent to known regions,Biotechnology Letters, 2013, 35(2), 279-284.

18.Rostovskaya, M.1, Fu, J., Obst, M., Baer, I., Weidlich, S.,Wang, H., Smith, A. J. H., Anastassiadis, K.* & Stewart, A. F.*, Transposon-mediated BAC transgenesis in human ES cells,Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, 40(19), e150.

19.Zhang, W.1, Fu, J.1, Liu, J.,Wang, H., Schiwon, M., Janz, S., Schaffarczyk, L., von der Goltz, L., Ehrke-Schulz, E., Domer, J., Solanki, M., Boehme, P., Bergmann, T., Lieber, A., Lauber, C., Dahl, A., Petzold, A., Zhang, Y.*, Stewart, A. F.* & Ehrhardt, A.*, An engineered virus library as a resource for the spectrum-wide exploration of virus and vector diversity,Cell Reports, 2017, 19(8), 1698-1709.

20.Zhang, W.1, Fu, J., Liu, J.,Wang, H., Schulz, E., Solanki, M., Boehme, P., Gebbing, M., Bergmann, T., Doerner, J., Stewart, A. F. & Ehrhardt, A.*, High-throughput cloning and tagging of an engineered adenovirus-library empowers vector diversity for broad applications,Molecular Therapy, 2015, 23, S21.

21.Bian, X.1, Tang, B.1, Yu, Y., Tu, Q., Gross, F.,Wang, H., Li, A., Fu, J., Shen, Y., Li, Y., Stewart, A. F., Zhao, G., Ding, X.*, Muller, R.* & Zhang, Y.*, Heterologous production and yield improvement of epothilones inBurkholderialesstrain DSM 7029,ACS Chemical Biology, 2017, 12(7), 1805-1812.

22.Yin, J.1,Wang, H., Li, R., Ravichandran, V., Bian, X., Li, A., Tu, Q., Stewart, A.F., Fu, J.* & Zhang, Y.*, A practical guide to recombineering inPhotorhabdusandXenorhabdus,Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 2017.

23.Ravichandran, V.1, Zhong, L.,Wang, H., Yu, G., Zhang, Y.* & Li, A.*, Virtual screening and biomolecular interactions of CviR-based quorum sensing inhibitors against chromobacterium violaceum,Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2018, 8, 292.

24.Liu, Q.1, Shen, Q.1, Bian, X., Chen, H., Fu, J.,Wang, H., Lei, P., Guo, Z., Chen, W.*, Li, D.* & Zhang, Y.*, Simple and rapid direct cloning and heterologous expression of natural product biosynthetic gene cluster inBacillus subtilisvia Red/ET recombineering,Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 34623.

25.Jiang, B.1, Zhang, R., Feng, D., Wang, F., Liu, K., Jiang, Y., Niu, K., Yuan, Q., Wang, M.,Wang, H., Zhang, Y. & Fang, X.*, A Tet-on and Cre-loxP based genetic engineering system for convenient recycling of selection markers inPenicillium oxalicum,Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7, 485.

26.Zhu, L.1, Yue, X., Han, K., Li, Z., Zheng, L., Yi, X.,Wang, H., Zhang, Y. & Li, Y.*, Allopatric integrations selectively change host transcriptomes, leading to varied expression efficiencies of exotic genes inMyxococcus xanthus,Microbial Cell Factories, 2015, 14, 105.

27.Bian, X.1, Huang, F.,Wang, H., Klefisch, T., Muller, R.* & Zhang, Y.*, Heterologous production of glidobactins/luminmycins inEscherichia coliNissle containing the glidobactin biosynthetic gene cluster fromBurkholderiaDSM7029,Chembiochem, 2014, 15(15), 2221-2224.

28.Yu, F.1, Jing, X., Li, X.,Wang, H., Chen, H., Zhong, L., Yin, J., Pan, D., Yin, Y., Fu, J., Xia, L., Bian, X., Tu, Q. & Zhang, Y., Recombineering Pseudomonas protegens CHA0: An innovative approach that improves nitrogen fixation with impressive bactericidal potency,Microbiology Research, 2019, 218, 58-65.

29.Fu, J.#; Bian, X.#; Hu, S.;Wang, H.; Huang, F.; Seibert, P. M.; Plaza, A.; Xia, L.; Müller, R.*; Stewart, A. F.* & Zhang, Y.*, Full-length RecE enhances linear-linear homologous recombination and facilitates direct cloning for bioprospecting,Nature Biotechnology, 2012, 30(5), 440-446.


1.山东省杰出青年基金,2022. 9


3.bet365 코리아杰出中青年学者(第一层次),2022.1


5.bet365 코리아齐鲁青年学者,2018.7




3.bet365 코리아优秀博士学位论文指导奖,2022.12

4.bet365 코리아bet365 코리아优秀共产党员,2022.7

5.bet365 코리아bet365 코리아“科研之星”,2021.1


7.bet365 코리아青岛校区第三届十佳书院导师,2020.11.

8.bet365 코리아青岛校区第二届十佳书院导师,2019.10.

9.bet365 코리아重大科研突出成绩奖励,2017.12.


1.New technique for genomic large fragment direct cloning and DNA multi-molecular assembly,欧洲发明专利,授权号:EP3604524B1,张友明;王海龙;符军;Francis Stewart

2.Method of homologous recombination of DNA,美国发明专利,申请号:16578385,张友明;王海龙;符军;Francis Stewart

3.王海龙,宋超逸,栾霁,符军,张友明.一种大型基因簇的无痕定点改造方法及其应用,中国发明专利,授权号: ZL202010147911.2

4.王海龙,宋超逸,符军,张友明.一种含有多杀菌素多操纵子人工基因簇质粒的构建方法与应用,中国发明专利,授权号: ZL201811407515.8

5.于广乐,王海龙,涂强,张友明.一种施氏假单胞突变菌株及其构建方法和应用,中国发明专利,授权号: ZL202010068324.4

6.基因组大片段直接克隆和DNA多分子组装新技术,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201710177676.1,张友明;王海龙;符军;Francis Stewart