

个人简介 科研项目 学术论文 其他介绍


博士 起止时间:2008年9月-2013年8月 毕业院校:中国海洋大学 专业:生药学 硕博连读

学士 起止时间:2004年9月-2008年8月 毕业院校:中国海洋大学 专业:药学


起止时间 单位名称 专业技术职务

2023年3月至今 bet365 코리아 bet365 코리아 研究员

2014年4月-2022年1月 维也纳自然资源与生命科学大学 博士后







2023.03-2028.03bet365 코리아齐鲁青年学者计划学科建设经费,主持

2020.01-2022.12基于木质纤维素原料的集成纳米纤维素生产,奥地利学术合作基金委国际合作项目,HR 10/2020,主持

2018.09-2021.08关于电子从氧化还原酶到电极通路的研究,奥地科学基金委员会,FWF P31019,联合主持

2018.06-2022.05二氮环甲烷-FAD:生物催化剂和分子探针的稳定辅助因子,维也纳科学技术研究基金委员会,WWTF LS17-069,子课题主持

2014.4-2017.4生物燃料电池:从基础到生物电化学的应用,欧盟玛丽居里基金会,ITN 6077935,子课题主持


1. Zhang, L.; Laurent, C.; Schwaiger, L.; Wang, L.;Ma, S.*; Ludwig, R., Interdomain Linker of the Bioelecrocatalyst Cellobiose Dehydrogenase Governs the Electron Transfer.ACS Catal2023, 13 (12), 8195-8205.

2. Schachinger, F.; Scheiblbrandner, S.; Karnpakdee, K.; Breslmayr, E.;Ma, S.*; Ludwig, R., Cytochromes as electron shuttles from FAD-dependent glucose dehydrogenase to electrodes.Electrochimica Acta2023, 458, 142485.

3. Schachinger, F.;Ma, S.; Ludwig, R., Redox potential of FAD-dependent glucose dehydrogenase.Electrochemistry Communications2023, 146, 107405.

4. Yan, X.; Tang, J.;Ma, S.; Tanner, D.; Ludwig, R.; Ulstrup, J.; Xiao, X., Engineering bio-interfaces for the direct electron transfer of Myriococcum thermophilum cellobiose dehydrogenase: Towards a mediator-less biosupercapacitor/biofuel cell hybrid.Biosensors and Bioelectronics2022, 210.

5. Viehauser, M. C.; Breslmayr, E.; Scheiblbrandner, S.; Schachinger, F.;Ma, S.*; Ludwig, R., A cytochrome b-glucose dehydrogenase chimeric enzyme capable of direct electron transfer.Biosensors and Bioelectronics2022, 196, 113704.

6. Tan, Y.#;Ma, S.#; Ding, T.; Ludwig, R.; Lee, J.; Xu, J., Enhancing the Antibiofilm Activity ofβ-1,3-Glucanase-Functionalized Nanoparticles Loaded With Amphotericin B Against Candida albicans Biofilm.Frontiers in Microbiology2022, 13.

7. Yan, X.;Ma, S.; Tang, J.; Tanner, D.; Ulstrup, J.; Xiao, X.; Zhang, J., Direct electron transfer of fructose dehydrogenase immobilized on thiol-gold electrodes.Electrochimica Acta2021, 392.

8. Tan, Y.#;Ma, S.#; Leonhard, M.; Moser, D.; Ludwig, R.; Schneider-Stickler, B., Co-immobilization of cellobiose dehydrogenase and deoxyribonuclease I on chitosan nanoparticles against fungal/bacterial polymicrobial biofilms targeting both biofilm matrix and microorganisms.Materials Science and Engineering C2020, 108, 110499.

9.Ma, S.; Moser, D.; Han, F.; Leonhard, M.; Schneider-Stickler, B.; Tan, Y., Preparation and antibiofilm studies of curcumin loaded chitosan nanoparticles against polymicrobial biofilms of Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus.Carbohydrate Polymers2020, 241, 116254.

10. Meneghello, M.; Al-Lolage, F. A.;Ma, S.; Ludwig, R.; Bartlett, P. N., Studying Direct Electron Transfer by Site-Directed Immobilization of Cellobiose Dehydrogenase. ChemElectroChem 2019, 6 (3), 700-713.

11. Ma, S.; Ludwig, R., Direct Electron Transfer of Enzymes Facilitated by Cytochromes.ChemElectroChem2019, 6 (4), 958-975.

12.Ma, S.; Laurent, C. V. F. P.; Meneghello, M.; Tuoriniemi, J.; Oostenbrink, C.; Gorton, L.; Bartlett, P. N.; Ludwig, R., Direct electron-transfer anisotropy of a site-specifically immobilized cellobiose dehydrogenase.ACS Catalysis2019, 9 (8), 7607-7615.

13. Grippo, V.;Ma, S.; Ludwig, R.; Gorton, L.; Bilewicz, R., Cellobiose dehydrogenase hosted in lipidic cubic phase to improve catalytic activity and stability.Bioelectrochemistry2019, 125, 134-141.

14. Tan, Y#.Ma, S.#; ; Leonhard, M.; Moser, D.; Schneider-Stickler, B.,β-1,3-glucanase disrupts biofilm formation and increases antifungal susceptibility of Candida albicans DAY185.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2018, 108, 942-946.

15. Tan, Y.#;Ma, S.#; Leonhard, M.; Moser, D.; Haselmann, G. M.; Wang, J.; Eder, D.; Schneider-Stickler, B., Enhancing antibiofilm activity with functional chitosan nanoparticles targeting biofilm cells and biofilm matrix.Carbohydrate Polymers2018, 200, 35-42.

16.Ma, S.; Preims, M.; Piumi, F.; Kappel, L.; Seiboth, B.; Record, E.; Kracher, D.; Ludwig, R., Molecular and catalytic properties of fungal extracellular cellobiose dehydrogenase produced in prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression systems.Microb Cell Fact2017, 16 (1), 37.

17. Lopez, F.;Ma, S.; Ludwig, R.; Schuhmann, W.; Ruff, A., A Polymer Multilayer Based Amperometric Biosensor for the Detection of Lactose in the Presence of High Concentrations of Glucose.Electroanalysis2017, 29 (1), 154-161.

18. Al-Lolage, F. A.; Meneghello, M.;Ma, S.; Ludwig, R.; Bartlett, P. N., A Flexible Method for the Stable, Covalent Immobilization of Enzymes at Electrode Surfaces.ChemElectroChem2017, 4 (6), 1528-1534.

19. Patel, I.; Kracher, D.;Ma, S.; Garajova, S.; Haon, M.; Faulds, C. B.; Berrin, J. G.; Ludwig, R.; Record, E., Salt-responsive lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases from the mangrove fungus Pestalotiopsis sp. NCi6.Biotechnology for Biofuels2016, 9 (1), 108.


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