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个人简介 科研项目 学术论文 其他介绍


博士 起止时间:1994-1997 毕业院校:bet365 코리아 专业:微生物学

硕士 起止时间:1991-1994 毕业院校:bet365 코리아 专业:微生物学

学士 起止时间:1987-1991 毕业院校:bet365 코리아 专业:微生物学


起止时间 单位名称 专业技术职务

1997-今 bet365 코리아 bet365 코리아 教授

2006 美国 加州大学洛杉矶分校 医学院 访问学者

2002- 2003 英国 谢菲尔德大学 生化与分子生物学系 访问学者



2. 高等真菌生物活性物质的发掘和综合利用





2.2018-2021, CHU_3237介导的纤维素酶在哈氏噬纤维菌表面锚定机制,国家自然科学基金(主持)




5. 2012-2015,哈氏噬纤维菌外膜纤维素结合蛋白吸附和解构结晶纤维素机理的研究,国家自然科学基金(主持)

6. 2013-2018,高吸附性能高强度琼脂糖分离介质的开发横向课题(主持)

7. 2011-2015,哈氏噬纤维细菌结晶纤维素降解机制,国家973子课题(主持)



1.Dong Zhao, Ying Wang, Sen Wang, Weican Zhang, Qingsheng Qi,Xuemei Lu*

A Disulfide Oxidoreductase CHU_1165 is Essential for Cellulose Degradation by Affecting Outer Membrane Proteins in Cytophaga hutchinsonii,Applied and Environmental Microbiology,2020, 86(8):e02789-19

2.Sen Wang,Dong Zhao,Weican Zhang,Xuemei Lu*.Identification of a cell-surface protein involved in glucose assimilation and disruption of the crystalline region of cellulose byCytophaga hutchinsonii.Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology,2019, 46(11): 1479–1490.

3. Zhiwei Guan, Ying Wang, Lijuan Gao, Weican Zhang andXuemei Lu*. Effects of the histone-like protein HU on cellulose degradation and biofilm formation ofCytophaga hutchinsonii.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2018,102(15): 6593–6611

4. Xifeng Wang, Zhiquan Wang, Xinfeng Bai, Yue Zhao, Weican Zhang andXuemei Lu*. Deletion of a Gene Encoding a Putative Peptidoglycan-Associated Lipoprotein Prevents Degradation of the Crystalline Region of Cellulose inCytophaga hutchinsonii.Frontiers in Microbiology,2018, 9: 632-644

5. Xinfeng Bai, Xifeng Wang, Sen Wang, Xiaofei Ji, Zhiwei Guan, Weican Zhang andXuemei Lu*, Functional Studies of β-Glucosidases ofCytophaga hutchinsoniiand Their Effects on Cellulose Degradation,Frontiers in Microbiology,2017, 8:140. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00140

6.Sen Wang, Dong Zhao, Xinfeng Bai, Weican Zhang,Xuemei Lu*, Identification and Characterization of a Large Protein Essential for Degradation of the Crystalline Region of Cellulose byCytophaga hutchinsonii,Applied and Environmental Microbiology,2017, 83(1):e02270-16

7. Cong Zhang, Xifeng Wang, Weican Zhang, Yue Zhao,Xuemei Lu*, Expression and characterization of a glucose-tolerant β-1,4-glucosidase with wide substrate specificity fromCytophaga hutchinsonii,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2017, 101(5): 1919–1926

8.Cong Zhang, Weican Zhang,Xuemei Lu*, Expression and characteristics of a Ca2+-dependent endoglucanase fromCytophaga hutchinsonii,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2015, 99(22): 9617-9623

9. Zhe Li, Cong Zhang, Sen Wang, Jing Cao, Weican Zhang andXuemei Lu*,A new locus inCytophaga hutchinsoniiinvolved in colony spreading on agar surfaces and individual cell gliding,FEMS Microbiology Letters,2015, 362(14): 1-8

10.Ying Wang, Zhiquan Wang, Jing Cao, Zhiwei Guan andXuemei Lu*,FLP-FRT-based method to obtain unmarked deletions of CHU_3237 (porU) and large Genomic fragments ofCytophaga hutchinsonii,Applied and Environmental Microbiology,2014, 80 (19 ): 6037-6045

11.Xiaofei Ji, Ying Wang, Cong Zhang, Xinfeng Bai, Weican Zhang,Xuemei Lu*, A novel outer membrane protein involved in cellulose and cellooligosaccharide degradation byCytophaga hutchinsonii,Applied and Environmental Microbiology,2014, 80 (15): 4511-4518

12. Cong Zhang, Ying Wang, Zhe Li, Xiangru Zhou, Weican Zhang, Yue Zhao ,Xuemei Lu*, Characterization of a multi-function processive endoglucanase CHU_2103 fromCytophaga hutchinsonii,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2014, 98 (15) : 6679-6687



2、山东省科技进步奖二等奖 (第一位)


4、bet365 코리아教育拓展优秀名师


1. 一种制备交联剩余污泥重金属吸附剂的方法,专利号:ZL2014 1 0018162.8

2.一种多功能纤维素酶及其表达基因与应用,专利号:ZL 201210439217.3

3.大孔交联海藻酸钠凝胶球的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2011 1 0109497.7

4.产β-1,3-葡聚糖酶的微生物及应用,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0020307.7