

个人简介 科研项目 学术论文 其他介绍


1999/09 – 2004/06,bet365 코리아,生命科学学院,博士

1992/09 – 1996/06,bet365 코리아,微生物学系,学士


2014/01 – 至 今,禹城市人民政府挂职副市长

2013/09 – 至 今,bet365 코리아,生命科学学院,博士生导师

2011/12 – 至 今,bet365 코리아,生命科学学院,教授

2006/09 – 2011/12,bet365 코리아,生命科学学院,副教授

2004/07 – 2006/09,bet365 코리아,生命科学学院,讲师

1996/07 – 1999/09,济南科贝尔生物工程有限公司,助理工程师







主持6项国家自然科学基金面上项目、1项国家重点研发计划子课题、1项973项目子课题、1项科技部重大专项国家项目及多省部项目的资助,累计科研经费近700余万元。在Mole Biol Evol, Biotechnol Bioeng,Electrophoresis, Biosource Technol, J Phys Chem B,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.等已发表SCI论文30余篇,发表论文后引起国内外同行的较大关注。已经出版著作(译著)4部,累计180余万字。


1) Xukai Jiang, Guanjun Chen, Lushan Wang*. Structural and dynamic evolution of the amphipathic N-terminus diversifies enzyme thermostability in the glycoside hydrolase family 12. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18: 21340-21350, 2016

2) Weili Gong, Huaiqiang Zhang, Li Tian, Shijia Liu, Xiuyun Wu, Fuli Li, Lushan Wang*. Determination of the modes of action and synergies of xylanases by analysis of xylooligosaccharide profiles over time using fluorescence-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis, Electrophoresis, 37: 1640–1650, 2016

3) Li Tian, Shijia Liu, Shuai Wang, Lushan Wang*. Ligand-binding specificity and promiscuity of the main lignocellulolytic enzyme families as revealed by active-site architecture analysis Scientific Reports, 6:23605, 2016.

4) Lili Zhang, Huaiqiang Zhang, Zhiheng Wang, Guanjun Chen, Lushan Wang*. Dynamic changes of the dominant functioning microbial community in the compost of a 90-m3 aerobic solid state fermentor revealed by integrated meta-omics. Bioresource Technology, 203: 1–10, 2016.

5) Xiaomei Zhang, Shuai Wang, Xiuyun Wu, Shijia Liu, Dandan Li, Hao Xu, Peiji Gao, Guanjun Chen, Lushan Wang*. Subsite-specific contributions of different aromatic residues in the active site architecture of glycoside hydrolase family 12. Scientific Reports 5: 18357 2015.

6) Shijia Liu, Shangjin Shao, Linlin Li, Zhi Cheng, Li Tian, Peiji Gao, Lushan Wang*. Substrate-binding specificity of chitinase and chitosanase as revealed by active-site architecture analysis. Carbohydrate Research, 418(12):50-56, 2015

7) Lili Zhang, Haixia Ma, Huaiqiang Zhang, Luying Xun, Guanjun Chen, Lushan Wang*. Thermomyces lanuginosus is The Dominant Fungus in Maize Straw Composts. Bioresource Technology, 197:266–275,2015

8) Weili Gong, Huaiqiang Zhang, Shijia Liu, Lili Zhang, Peiji Gao, Guanjun Chen, Lushan Wang*. Comparative Secretome Analysis of Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma reesei, and Penicillium oxalicum During Solid-State Fermentation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 177(6), 1252-1271, 2015

9) Qing Zhang, Xiaomei Zhang, Peipei Wang, Dandan Li, Guanjun Chen, Peiji Gao, Lushan Wang*. Determination of the action modes of cellulases from hydrolytic profiles over a time course using fluorescence-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis, Electrophoresis, 36: 910–917,2015

10) Xiaomei Zhang, Ning Liu, Fan Yang, Jinghua Li, Lushan Wang*, Guanjun Chen and Peiji Gao. In Situ Demonstration and Quantitative Analysis of the Intrinsic Properties of Glycoside Hydrolases. Electrophoresis, 33(2):280-287, 2012

11) Jinghua Li,Lushan Wang*. Why Substituting The Asparagine At Position 35 In Bacillus Circulans Xylanase With An Aspartic Acid Remarkably Improves The Enzymatic Catalytic Activity? A Quantum Chemistry-Based Calculation Study. Polymer Degradation and Stability , 96:1009-1014, 2011.

12) Zheng Zhang, Jie Huang, Zengfang Wang, Lushan Wang* and Peiji Gao. Impact of indels on the flanking regions in structural domains. Molecular biology and evolution, 28(1):291–301,2011.

13) Jinghua Li, Likai Du, Lushan Wang*. Glycosidic-Bond Hydrolysis Mechanism Catalyzed by Cellulase Cel7A from Trichoderma reesei: A Comprehensive Theoretical Study by Performing MD, QM, and QM/MM Calculations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114:15261–15268, 2010.

14) Lu-shan Wang, Yu-zhong Zhang, Pei-ji Gao*. Dongxia Shi, Hongwen Liu, Hongjun Gao, Changes in the structural properties and rate of hydrolysis of cotton fibres during extended enzymatic hydrolysis. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 93: 443-456, 2006.


1). 王禄山,耿存亮,段晓云 等译 生物燃料的计算模拟,化学工业出版社. 40.4万字, 2012

2). 王禄山,张正 等译,纤维素降解的超分子机器——纤维小体,化学工业出版社. 40.2万字,2011

3). 王禄山,张正 等译,生物质抗降解屏障——解构植物细胞壁产生物能,化学工业出版社. 65.4万字,2010

4). 王禄山,高培基,生物信息学应用技术,化学工业出版社. 37.5万字,2008。


1) 王禄山;2013年度bet365 코리아课堂教学质量优秀教师;bet365 코리아,2014-04

2)陈冠军,张可炜,季明杰,王禄山。山东省精品课程立项:生物化学(2012BK178),山东省教育厅, 2012




6) 李越中,王禄山,张治国,高培基,黎志凤。生物信息学课程体系的建设,bet365 코리아,校级教学成果二等奖, 2008


1)王禄山,陈冠军,高培基,李亭亭。一种微米级均一纤维素粉末及其制备方法与应用, 2011.5.4,中国,ZL 2007100114797.8。




