报告人:Ansgar Poetsch英国普利茅斯大学医学院副教授
The aim of my research is to obtain a global, protein-centric view on the physiology of (micro-)organisms that are relevant for biotechnology. For this purpose my group has been developing and applying proteomics technologies for a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis of the proteome with a focus on membrane proteins. In addition, methods for targeted and untargeted
lipid analysis have been applied.
The following topics will be presented:
1. Short introduction of proteomics and approaches for membrane protein analysis that have been developed in my group.
2. Protein turnover analysis and its utility for analyzing stress adaption and protease target identifi-cation.
3. Identification and quantification of enzymes and metabolites involved in sphingolipid biosynth-esis, and building of a kinetic pathway model for the unconventional yeast Wickerhamomyces cif-errii.
4. Combination of FACS sorting and proteomics to understand the molecular basis of phenotypic differences in branched chain amino acid-producing C. glutamicum, as well as lipid-producing N-annochloropsis oceanica.