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学术报告:Bio-engineering Applications Spanning Health and Environment

2018年01月29日 作者:编辑:审核:浏览量 :



报告人:Blaine Pfeifer 纽约州立大学布法罗分校 化学与生物工程系教授

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering,

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bio-engineering Applications Spanning Health and Environment

Blaine Pfeifer

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo,NY, USA


Introduction.This presentation will feature the use of biological engineering to support research goals that span natural product biosynthesis (for antibiotic discovery and water treatment) and vaccine design and delivery (directed at pneumococcal disease).

Outcomes.Figure 1 depicts the research applications that will be discussed. Specifically, as a heterologous host for complex natural product biosynthesis, Escherichia coli has been the heterologous production route for the complex natural products erythromycin (an antibiotic) and yersiniabactin (a siderophore). The production platform for erythromycin has been engineered for molecular diversity with the associated goal of generating variation in final bioactivity (1). Similarly, E. coli has been engineered to produce yersiniabactin, a natural product with a propensity for iron sequestration. Using this platform, the yersiniabactin product has been re-purposed for metal removal and recovery from aqueous streams (2).

A final application features bacterial-based and liposomal vectors as antigen delivery vehicles in the context of vaccine design. Here, scientific and engineering insight is applied to direct and enhance the resulting immune response, and complete protection data has been collected from animal immunization-challenge assays using pneumococcal disease as an initial indication (3, 4).


1. Zhang G., Li Y., Fang L., Pfeifer BA. (2015) Science Advances 29 1(4): e1500077.

2. Ahmadi M., Fawaz S., Jones C., Zhang G., Pfeifer BA. (2015) Appl. and Env. Microbiol. 81(16): 5290 -8.

3. Jones C., Ravikrishnan A., Chen M., Reddinger R., Ahmadi M., Rane S., Hakansson A., Pfeifer BA. (2014) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111(34):12360-5.

4. Jones CH, Zhang G, Nayerhoda R, Beitelshees M, Hill A, Rostami P, Li Y, Davidson BA, Knight P 3rd, Pfeifer BA. (2017) Science Advances, 3(10):e1701797.