

个人简介 科研项目 学术论文 其他介绍


硕士2005.09-2008.07 西北农林科技大学 植保资源利用

学士2001.09-2005.07 西北农林科技大学 植物保护


起止时间 单位名称 专业技术职务

2015.07-至今 bet365 코리아 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트 教授、博导

2014.10-2015.06 bet365 코리아生命科学学院 副研究员

2013.02-2014.09 德国亥姆霍兹萨尔药物研究所 博士后




3. 微生物天然产物生物合成及合成生物学


2023/01-2027/12,bet365 코리아杰出中青年学者,主持



2020/01-2024/12课题1:天然产物“暗物质”定向挖掘的平台技术, 国家重点研发计划课题,2019YFA0905701,主持


2017/09-2019/08, 兼具生物固氮/杀虫抑菌功能的根际细胞工厂的构建, 山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目,ZR2017ZB0212,主持



2015/7-2020/7,bet365 코리아齐鲁青年学者学科建设经费,主持


Chen H#, Zhong L#, Zhou H#, Sun T, Zhong G, Tu Q, Zhuang Y, Bai X, Wang X, Xu J, Xia L, Shen Y, Zhang Y*,Bian X*.Biosynthesis of Glidomides and Elucidation of Different Mechanisms for Formation of β-OH Amino Acid Building Blocks.Angew Chem Int Ed. 2022, 61(35): e202203591.Highlighted as theFrontispiece.

LiuJ, Wang X,DaiG, Zhang Y,Bian X*.Microbial Chassis Engineering Drives Heterologous Production of Complex Secondary Metabolites.Biotechnol Adv. 2022,59: 107966.

Shen Q#, Zhou H#, Dai G, Zhong G, Huo L, Li A, Liu Y, Yang M, Ravichandran V, Zheng Z, Tang YJ, Jiao N, Zhang Y,Bian X*. Characterization of a Cryptic NRPS Gene Cluster in Bacillus velezensis FZB42 Reveals a Discrete Oxidase Involved in Multithiazole Biosynthesis.ACS Catalysis. 2022, 12(6): 3371-3381.HighlightinHot off the PressofNatural Product Reports.

Wang X#, Zheng W#, Zhou H, Tu Q, Tang YJ, Stewart AF*, Zhang Y*,Bian X*. Improved dsDNA recombineering enables versatile multiplex genome engineering of kilobase-scale sequences in diverse bacteria.Nucleic Acids Res. 2022, 50(3): e15.

Zhang X, Xu X, You C, Yang C, Guo J, Sang M, Geng C, Cheng F, Du L, Shen Y, Wang S, Lan H, Yang F, Li Y, Tang YJ, Zhang Y,Bian X*, Li S*, Zhang W*. Biosynthesis of chuangxinmycin featuring a deubiquitinase-like sulfurtransferase.Angew Chem Int Ed. 2021,60(46): 24418-24423. Recommended inFaculty OpinionsandHot off the PressofNatural Product Reports.

Liu J, Zhou H, Yang Z, Wang X, Chen H, Zhong L, Zheng W, Niu W, Wang S, Ren X, Zhong G, Wang Y, Ding X, Müller R, Zhang Y,Bian X*. Rational construction of genome-reduced Burkholderiales chassis facilitates efficient heterologous production of natural products from proteobacteria.Nat Commun. 2021, 12: 4347.被Nat Commun编辑选为“生物技术与方法”高亮文章.

Zhong L#,DiaoX#,Zhang N#, Li F, Zhou H, Chen H, Bai X, Ren X, Zhang Y*, Wu D*,Bian X*.Engineering and Elucidation of the Lipoinitiation Process in Nonribosomal Peptide Biosynthesis.Nat Commun.2021, 12: 296.被Nat Commun编辑选为“有机化学与化学生物学”高亮文章.

Liu Y#, Zhou H#, Shen Q, Dai G, Yan F, Li X, Ren X, Sun Q, Tang YJ, Zhang Y,Bian X*. Discovery of Polycyclic Macrolide Shuangdaolides by Heterologous Expression of a Cryptic trans-AT PKS Gene Cluster.Org Lett. 2021. 23(17): 6967-6971.

Ouyang Q, Wang X, Zhang N, Zhong L, Liu J, Ding X, Zhang Y,Bian X*.Promoter screening facilitates heterologous production of complex secondary metabolites in Burkholderiales strains.ACS Synth Biol.2020, 9(2):457-460.

Wang ZJ, Zhou H, Zhong G, Huo L, Tang YJ, Zhang Y*,Bian X*. Genome Mining and Biosynthesis of Primary Amine-Acylated Desferrioxamines in a Marine Gliding Bacterium.Org Lett. 2020, 22(3): 939-943.

Zheng W#, Wang X#, Zhou H, Zhang Y*, Li A*,Bian X*. Establishment of recombineering genome editing system in Paraburkholderia megapolitana empowers activation of silent biosynthetic gene clusters.Microb Biotechnol.2020, 13(2): 397-405.获Microb Biotechnol(2020, 13:1702-1704)的Highlight栏目重点介绍。

Jing X#, Cui Q#, Li X, Yin J, Ravichandran V, Pan D, Fu J, Tu Q, Wang H*,Bian X*, Zhang Y*. Engineering Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5 to improve its antifungal activity and nitrogen fixation.Microb Biotechnol. 2020, 13(1): 118-133.

Huo L, Hug JJ, Fu C,Bian X*, Zhang Y*, Müller R*. Heterologous expression of bacterial natural product biosynthetic pathways.Nat Prod Rep.2019, 36(10):1412-1436.入选ESI热点论文和高被引论文

Wang X#, Zhou H#, Chen H#, Jing X, Zheng W, Li R, Sun T, Liu J, Fu J, Huo L, Li YZ, Shen Y, Ding X, Müller R,Bian X*, Zhang Y*. Discovery of recombinases enables genome mining of cryptic biosynthetic gene clusters in Burkholderiales species.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018, 115 (18): E4255-E4263.获Curr Opin Microbiol和Curr OpinChemBiol重点推荐。

Bian X#, Tang B#, Yu Y, Tu Q, Gross F, Wang H, Li A, Fu J, Shen Y, Li YZ, Stewart AF, Zhao G, Ding X*, Müller R*, Zhang Y*.Heterologous production and yields improvement of epothilones in the Burkholderiales strain DSM 7029.ACS Chem Biol.2017; 12 (7): 1805-1812. Highlight in Hot off the Press of Natural Product Reports

Bian X, Plaza A, Zhang Y*, Müller R*. Two more pieces of the colibactin genotoxin puzzle from Escherichia coli show incorporation of an unusual 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid moiety.Chem Sci.2015, 6(5): 3154-3160,

Bian X, Plaza A, Zhang Y*, Müller R*. Luminmycins A-C, cryptic natural products from Photorhabdus luminescens identified by heterologous expression in Escherichia coli.J Nat Prod. 2012, 75(9):1652-1655. 2012 Arthur E. Schwarting Award for Best Paper in the Journal of Natural Products

Fu J#,Bian X#, Hu S, Wang H, Huang F, Seibert PM, Plaza A, Xia L, Müller R*, Stewart AF*, Zhang Y*. Full-length RecE enhances linear-linear homologous recombination and facilitates direct cloning for bioprospecting.Nat Biotechnol. 2012, 30(5): 440-446. Highlighted inCover Paper’ and ‘News and Views’ of Nature Biotechnology, and Research Highlighted in Nature Methods


2022年山东省和bet365 코리아优秀博士学位论文指导教师


2021年度bet365 코리아“科研之星”

2022Natural Product ReportsEmerging Investigator Lectureship提名

2021年第五届bet365 코리아青年人才学术交流会优秀报告一等奖



2013 DECHMA travel grant for 1st European Conference on Natural Products (德国化学工程与生物技术协会)

2012 Arthur E. Schwarting Award for Best Paper in the Journal of Natural Products (美国生药学会)






Y. Zhang, J. Fu,X. Bian, F. Stewart, R. Müller.Heterologous hosts.US 9,580,717 B2