

个人简介 科研项目 学术论文 其他介绍


1996-1999 bet365 코리아 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트 理学博士

1993-1996 bet365 코리아生命学院 理学硕士

1987-1991 bet365 코리아生命学院 理学学士


2008-至今 bet365 코리아 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트 教授 博士生导师

2002-2007 bet365 코리아 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트 副教授,硕士生导师

2001年1月-12月 韩国仁荷大学生物工学系 博士后

1999-2001 bet365 코리아 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트 讲师







(1)山东省青年科学家奖励基金:新型槐糖脂的生产及应用研究(No. 02BS045);主持,完成

(2)教育部留学回国人员启动基金:黑色素的酶法脱色机理及应用(No. 留[2003]14);主持,完成

(3)bet365 코리아青年基金:黑色素的酶法脱色机理的初步研究;主持,完成

(4)山东省科技发展计划:生物柴油的酶法转化(No. 032040107)。主持,完成

(5)山东省中青年科学家奖励基金:拟威克酵母变种产槐糖脂发酵工艺优化及应用(No. 2006BS02010)2007~2009,主持,完成


(7)国家自然科学基金:槐糖脂的酶法改造与代谢工程菌构建及生物活性研究 No. 30870048,2009~2011,主持,完成。

(8)国家自然科学基金:拟威克酵母变种槐糖脂合成途径中的脂肪酸合成调控及机制 No. 30970052,2010-2012, 主持,在研。

(9)山东省自然科学基金 重点项目:鲍特氏菌胆固醇氧化酶基因的克隆及在乳酸菌中的表达No. ZR2009BZ002。2010-2012,主持,在研。

(10)国家“十一五”科技支撑计划重大项目:糖的发酵与分离精制关键技术—槐糖脂子课题 2008BAI63B08,2008-2010,主持,完成。

National Key Technology R&D Program in the 11th Five year Plan of china (No.2008BAI63B08)

(11)国家“十二五”科技支撑计划重大项目: “菊芋高值利用及清洁生产技术示范”子课题,2011BAC02B04,主持,2012.01.01-2014.12.31。

(12)国家自然科学基金:组学工具研究拟威克酵母变种的槐糖脂合成酶系及调控机制No. 31270089. 2013-2016

(13)微生物产生的生物表面活性剂结构分析鉴定 20140101-20141231

(14)基于功能性激活剂的内源微生物驱油技术研究 2014-2015,位次1





(4)国家863项目:高活性木质纤维素降解专用酶制剂的研究2007AA05Z455, 2008-2011


(1) 国家自然科学基金,30970052,拟威克酵母变种槐糖脂合成途径中的脂肪酸合成调控及机制,2010.01-2012.12,30万元,已结题,主持

(2) 山东省自然科学基金重点项目,ZR2009BZ002,鲍特氏菌胆固醇氧化酶基因的克隆及在乳酸菌中的表达,2010.01-2012.12,10万元,已结题,主持

(3) 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划重大项目,2008BAI63B08,糖的发酵与分离精制关键技术—槐糖脂子课题,2008.01-2010.12,11.98万元,已结题,主持

(4) 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划重大项目,2011BAC02B04,菊芋高值利用及清洁生产技术示范-子课题,2012.01-2014.12,总经费130万,占8%,已结题,主持

(5) 国家自然科学基金,31270089,组学工具研究拟威克酵母变种的槐糖脂合成酶系及调控机制,2013.01-2016.12,80万元,已结题,主持

(6) 微生物产生的生物表面活性剂结构分析鉴定 中石化胜利油田微生物采油研究院20140101-20141231,15万,主持。

(7) 基于功能性激活剂的内源微生物驱油技术研究 中石化胜利油田微生物采油研究院2014-2015,15.9万,主持。

(8) 槐糖脂在抗医学插管中生物膜的活性研究及应用  山东新稀宝股份有限公司 2018-2021, 15万, 主持

(9) 国家自然科学基金,31971387,生物质高效转化及槐糖脂优产的人工多细胞体系 2020.01-2023.12,56万元,主持

(10) 山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目 ZR2019ZD19,木质纤维素类生物质高效降解转化的关键机理研究,2019-12至2013-12,20万元

(11) 国家重点研发项目“木质纤维素类生物质高效制糖及综合利用关键技术”子课题。2022.01-2024.12。106.2万元。

(12)  横向课题“高产槐糖脂的基因工程菌株构建”,胜利油田采油研究院,28万元,2021年



1.Song Xin, Qu Yin-bo, Studies of Lipases-catalyzed Oleyl Linolenate Synthesis in Nonaqueous Media, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities. 1999,20(10): 1758-1760(SCI)

2.Song Xin, Yin-bo Qu, Dong-Hoon Shin, Eun-Ki Kim. Purification and characterization of lipase from Trichosporon sp.Y-11 and its use in ester synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids and alcohols, J Microbiol. & Biotechnol. 2001, 11(6): 951-956 (SCI, IF 1.224)

3.Li Congfa, Liu Qiao, Song Xin, Ding Di, Ji Aiguo, Qu Yinbo. Epoxide hydrolase-catalyzed resolution of ethyl 3-phenylglycidate using whole cells of Pseudomonas sp. Biotechnology Letters. 2003, 25 (24): 2113-2116

4.Dong-Hui Hao, jian-qun Lin, Xin Song, Jian-qiang Lin, Yu-jie Su, and Yin-Bo Qu, Isolation, identification, and performance studies of a novel paraffin-degrading Bacterial of Gordonia amicalis LH3, Biotechnol. And Bioprocess Engineering, 2008, 13: 61~68

5.Chen Jing • Song Xin* • Zhang Hui • Qu Yin-bo • Miao Jun-ying,Sophorolipid, produced from a new yeast strain Wickerhamiella domercqiae, induces apoptosis in H7402 human liver cancer cells. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2006, 72: 52~59 (通讯作者, IF 3.28)

6.Chen jing, Song Xin*, Qu Yin-bo, Screening of strains producing new sophorolipids and determination of their stucture. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2006, 39: 501~506 (通讯作者, IF 2.287)

7.Xianyun Sun, Ziyong Liu, Kai Zheng, Xin Song*, Yinbo Qu, The composition of basal and induced cellulase systems in Penicillium decumbens under induction or repression conditions, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, June 2008, 42(7): 560~567 (通讯作者, IF 2.287)

8.Yuqi Qin, Xiaomin Wei, Xin Song*, Yinbo Qu, Engineering endoglucanase II from Trichoderma reesei to improve the catalytic efficiency at a higher pH optimum, Journal of Biotechnology, June 2008, 135:190-195 (通讯作者, IF 3.045)

9.Yuqi Qin; Xiaomin Wei; Xin Song; Yinbo Qu, The role of the site 342 in catalytic efficiency and pH optima of endoglucanase II from Trichoderma reesei as probed by saturation mutagenesis, Biocatalysis and Biotransformation,2008, 26(5): 378 – 382 (SCI, IF 1.475)

10.Yan LIU, Peng YU, Xin SONG*, Yinbo QU, Hydrogen production from cellulose by co-culture of Clostridium thermocellum JN4 and Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum GD17, International Journal of hydrogen energy, June 2008, 33: 2927-2933 (通讯作者, IF 4.054)

11.Xin Song*, Xiaoyu Qi, Bin Hao, Yinbo Qu, Studies of Substrate Specificities of Lipases From Different Sources, Europe Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2008, 110(12): 1095-1101 (IF 1.487)

12.Xin Song*, Xiaoyu Qi, Yinbo Qu, Resolution of (R,S)-(±)-glycidyl butyrate with Immobilized Trichosporon capitatum Y-11 Lipase in gelatin-containing microemulsion-based organogels, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 15 Nov 2008, 67(1): 127–131 (IF 3.456)

13.Yanliang Lin, Xin Song*,1, Juan Fu Jianqiang Lin Yinbo Qu Microbial transformation of phytosterol in corn flour and soybean flour to 4-androstene-3,17-dione by Fusarium moniliforme Sheld. Bioresource Technology, 19 Jan 2009, 100(5): 1864-1867 ( 通讯作者, IF 4.980 )

14.Yanliang Lin, Xin Song*, Juan Fu, Jianqiang Lin Yinbo Qu Microbial transformation of androst-4-ene-3, 17-dione by Bordetella sp. B4 CGMCC 2229, J of Chemical Technol Biotechnol. Jan 2009, 84(5): 789-793 ( 通讯作者, IF 2.168)

15.Yanfei Cheng, Xin Song*, Yuqi Qin, YinboQu. Genome shuffling improves production of cellulase by Penicillium decumbens JU-A10. Journal of Applied Microbiology, Apr 2009, 107(6): 1837-46 (通讯作者, IF 2. 337)

16.Yanliang Lin, Juan Fu, Xin Song*. Purification and Characterization of an extracellular cholesterol oxidase from a Bordetella species, Process Biochem. June 2010, 45: 1563-1569 (通讯作者, IF 2.627)

17.Xiaojing Ma, Hui Li, Lingjian Shao, Jing Shen, X Song*, Effects of nitrogen sources on production and composition of sophorolipids by Wickerhamiella domercqiae var. sophorolipid CGMCC 1576. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. May 2011, 91: 1623-1632 (SCI, IF 3.425)

18.Lingjian Shao, Xin Song*, Xiaojing Ma, Hui Li, Yinbo Qu. Bioactivties of Sophorolipid with Different Structures against Human Esophageal Cancer Cells, J Surgical Research, 2012, 173: 286-291 (通讯作者, IF 2.247)

19.Xiaojing Ma, Lingjian Shao, Hui Lia, Jing Shen, Xin Song*,Surface and biological activity of sophorolipid molecules producedby Wickerhamiella domercqiae var. sophorolipid CGMCC 1576, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Mar 2012, 376: 165-172 (SCI, IF 3.456)

20.Hui Li, Xiaojing Ma, Lingjian Shao, Jing Shen, Xin Song* Enhancement of Sophorolipid Production of Wickerhamiella domercqiae var. sophorolipid CGMCC 1576 by Low-Energy Ion Beam Implantation Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. June 2012, 167(3): 510~523 (SCI, IF 1.943)

21.Yanliang Lin, Jinglei Liu, Yibo Hu, Xin Song*, Yueran Zhao*. An antioxidant exopolysaccharide devoid of pro-oxidant activity produced by the soil bacterium Bordetella sp. B4. Bioresource Technology. Nov 2012, 124: 245-251(SCI, IF4.494)

22.Hui Li, Xiaojing Ma, Lingjian Shao, Jing Shen, Xin Song*, Production of sophorolipids with eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid from Wickerhamiella domercqiae var. sophorolipid using fish oil as a hydrophobic carbon source. Biotechnol. Lett. 2013, 35: 901–908. (SCI 1.591)

23.Xiao-jing Ma, Hui Li, Dong-xue Wang, Xin Song*. Sophorolipid production from delignined corncob residue by Wickerhamiella domercqiae var. sophorolipid CGMCC 1576 and Cryptococcus curvatus ATCC 96219. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2014, 98(1): 475-83 (IF )

24.Yibo Hu; Guodong Liu; Zhonghai Li; Yuqi Qin; Yinbo Qu, Xin Song*. G protein-cAMP signaling pathway mediated by PGA3 plays different roles in regulating the expressions of amylases and cellulases in Penicillium decumbens. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2013, 58-59(62-70) (IF 3.737)

25.Yibo, Hu, H, Xue, G, Liu, X, Song*, Y, Qu Efficient protein production in a homologous expression system by using strong constitutive promoters in Penicillium oxalicum, J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol, 2015, 42(6): 877-887(2.439)

26.Shuzhen Zhang, Wen He*, Xudong Zhang,*, Guihua Yang*, Jingyun Ma, Xuen Yang, Xin Song*,Fabricating Fe3O4/Fe/Biocarbon Fibers using Cellulose Nanocrystals for High-Rate Li-ion Battery Anode, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 174: 1175–1184(4.504)

27.Jiashan Li, Hui Li, Weiwei Li, Chengqiang Xia, Xin Song*, Identification,characterization of a flavin-containing monooxygenaseMoA and its function in a specific sophorolipid molecules metabolism in Starmerella bombicola. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2016, 100:1307-1318 DOI: 10.1007/s00253-015-7091-2(3.337)

1 Zhonghai Li, Guangshan Yao, Ruimei Wu, Liwei Gao, Qinbiao Kan, Meng Liu, Piao Yang, Guodong Liu, Yuqi Qin, Xin Song*, Yaohua Zhong, Xu Fang, Yinbo Qu*. Synergistic and Dose-Controlled Regulation of Cellulase Gene Expression in Penicillium oxalicum, PLOS Genetics, DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005509 September 11, 2015

28.Jiashan Li, Chengqiang Xia, Xianran Fang, Haizhao Xue, Xin Song*, Identification and characterization of a long-chain fatty acid transporter in the sophorolipid-producing strain Starmerella bombicola, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2016) 100:7137-7150. DOI 10.1007/s00253-016-7580-y

29.Weiwei Li, Jiashan Li, Xin Song*, Utilization, the expression and function of cytochrome P450 in sophorolipid synthesis in Starmerella bombicola CGMCC 1576, RROI Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016,

30.Haizhao Xue, Yibo Hu1, Xiaoran Fang1, Xin Song*, High efficiency and stable RNA interference vector construction for Penicillium sp., RROI Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016,


1 A cumulative effect by multiple-gene knockout strategy leads to a significant increase in the production of sophorolipids in Starmerella bombicola, Microbial Biotechnology 2021, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.737244  (IF 5.8)

2 Xia, Chengqiang; Gao, Liwei; Li, Zhonghai; Liu, Guodong; Song, Xin. Functional analysis of the transcriptional activator XlnR of Penicillium oxalicum, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2021,已接受 (IF3.8)

3 Yue Li, Na Gao, Xinyu Zhang, Guoqin Zhao & Xin Song*. Sophorolipid Production Using Lignocellulosic Biomass by Co-culture of Several Recombinant Strains of Starmerella bombicola with Different Heterologous Cellulase Genes from Penicillum oxalicum. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2020 online published 2 Qct. DOI 10.1007/s12010-020-03433-4  ISSN: 0273-2289  (IF: 2.277)

4 Xin Wen, Huibin Lin, Yilin Ren et al., Xin Song*, Jianqun Lin, Jianqiang Lin*. Efficient Allitol Bioproduction from d-Fructose Catalyzed by Recombinant E. coli Whole Cells, and the Condition Optimization, Product Purification, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,  2020, 192 (5): 680-697. DOI:10.1007/s12010-020-03359-x  Jun 2020 ISSN: 0273-2289  (IF: 2.277)

5 Xin Wen, Huibin Lin et al., Xin Song*, Jianqun Lin, Jianqiang Lin*. Optimization for allitol production from d-glucose by using immobilized glucose isomerase and recombinant E.coli expressing d-psicose-3-epimerase, ribitol dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase. Biotechnology Letters. 2020, 42: 2135-2145 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10529-020-02917-x( ISSN: 0141-5492 online published: 25 May 2020  (IF 2.461)

6 Jun Liu, Jiashan Li, Na Gao, Xinyu Zhang, Guoqin Zhao, Xin Song*, Identification and characterization of a protein Bro1 essential for sophorolipids synthesis in Starmerella bombicola, Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2020, 47(4), 437-448. Doi 10.1007/s10295-020-02272-w (ISSN: 1367-5435  (IF: 3.346)  May 2020 online

7 Liwei Gao1#, Yanning Xu1#, Xin Song1#, Shiying Li, Chengqiang Xia, Jiadi Xu, Yuqi Qin, Guodong Liu*, and Yinbo Qu. Deletion of the middle region of Penicillium oxalicum transcription factor ClrB enables cellulase production on glucose. J Biological Chemistry, October 28, 2019, doi:10.1074/jbc.RA119.010863 (共同第一作者)  ISSN: 0021-9258  (IF 5.157)

8 Liwei Gao, Shiying Li, Yanning Xu, Chengqiang Xia, Jiadi Xu, Jun Liu, Yuqi Qin, Xin Song*, Guodong Liu*, Yinbo Qu, Mutation of a conserved alanine residue in transcription factor AraR leads to hyper-production of a-L-arabinofuranosidases in Penicillium oxalicum, Biotechnology Journal , 2019, DOI: 10.1002/biot.201800643  ( ISSN号: 1860-6768)  (IF 4.677)

9 Chengqiang Xia, Zhonghai Li, Yanning Xu, Piao Yang, Liwei Gao, Guodong Liu, Qin Yan, Shiying Li, Yanan Wang, Yinbo Qu, Xin Song*, Introduction of heterologous transcription factors and their target genes into Penicillium oxalicum leads to increased lignocellulolytic enzyme production, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2019, doi.org/10.1007/s00253-018-09612-y (2019年2月5号发表)  0175-7598 (IF: 4.813)

10 Xiaoyu Qi, Xiaoming Xu, Chuanqing Zhong, Tianyi Jiang, Wei Wei, Xin Song* Removal of Cadmium and Lead from Contaminated Soils Using Sophorolipids from Fermentation Culture of Starmerella bombicola CGMCC 1576 Fermentation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018, 15, 2334 doi: 10.3390/ijerph15112334   (IF 2. 468)

11 Liwei Gao, Chengqiang Xia, Jiadi Xu, Zhonghai Li, Lele Yu, Guodong Liu*, Xin Song*, Yinbo Qu, Constitutive expression of chimeric transcription factors confers cellulose-independent cellulase synthesis in Penicillium oxalicum, Biotechnology Journal, 2017, 12:11 DOI: 10.1002/biot.201700119  (IF 4.677)

12 Liwei Gao, Zhonghai Li*, Chengqiang Xia, Meng Liu, Piao Yang, Lele Yu, Yinbo Qu, Xin Song*, Combining manipulation of transcription factors and overexpression of the target genes to enhance lignocellulolytic enzyme production in Penicillium oxalicum, Biotechnology for Biofeuls, 2017, 10(1) :100, doi:10.1186/s13068-017-0783-3(IF 6.040) 1754-6834

(中科院JCR分区 大类:工程技术 1区;生物工程与应用微生物 1区)

13 Hui Li, Wei Guo, Xiao-jing Ma, Jia-shan Li, Xin Song*, In Vitro and in Vivo Anticancer Activity of Sophorolipids to Human Cervical Cancer, Appl Biochem Biotechnol, (2017) 181:1372–1387, DOI 10.1007/s12010-016-2290-6 ISSN: 0273-2289  (IF: 2.14)

14 Jiashan Li, Chengqiang Xia, Piao Yang, Xin Song*, Enhancement of sophorolipids yields by overexpressing the sophorolipids synthesis gene cluster in Starmerella bombicola, New Biotechnology , 2016, 33: 108, doi: 10.1016/j.nbt.2016.06.1098  (IF: 5.079)

工程技术2区  1871-6784

15 Jiashan Li, Chengqiang Xia, Xiaoran Fang, Haizhao Xue, Xin Song*, Identification and characterization of a long-chain fatty acid transporter in the sophorolipid-producing strain Starmerella bombicola, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2016, 100: 7137-7150. DOI 10.1007/s00253-016-7580-y(IF 4.813) 被引6次

工程技术2区 0175-7598

16 Jiashan Li, Hui Li, Weiwei Li, Chengqiang Xia, Xin Song*. Identification, characterization of a flavin-containing monooxygenase MoA and its function in a specific sophorolipid molecules metabolism in Starmerella bombicola. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2016, 100:1307-1318(IF 4.813)0175-7598

JCR大类:工程技术 2区; 小类: 生物工程与应用微生物 2区

17 Yibo, Hu, H, Xue, G, Liu, X, Song*, Y, Qu. Efficient production and evaluation of lignocellulolytic enzymes using a constitutive protein expression system in Penicillium oxalicum, J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol, 2015, 42(6): 877-887(3.346)ISSN:1367-5435

18 Shuzhen Zhang, Wen He*, Xudong Zhang,*, Guihua Yang*, Jingyun Ma, Xuen Yang, Xin Song*, Fabricating Fe3O4/Fe/Biocarbon Fibers using Cellulose Nanocrystals for High-Rate Li-ion Battery Anode, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 174: 1175–1184(IF: 6.901) 0013-4686

JCR 大类:工程技术 1区

第一发明人授权专利15项  已申请专利共22项

(1)一株产槐糖脂的拟威克酵母变种及其应用。专利号:ZL 200610042190.9 授权日: 2008年03月12日

(2)一株博德特氏菌及其在制备胆固醇氧化酶及胆甾-4-烯-3-酮中的应用 ZL 200710114218.x 授权日: 2009年12月02

(3)一种将七叶苷用于高产β-葡萄糖苷酶产生菌的平板筛选的方法 ZL 200710114837.9 授权日: 2010年 01月 20日

(4)槐糖脂在制备抗皮肤癣菌药物中的应用 ZL 200710114796.3 授权日: 2010年04月14日

(5)葡萄糖苷酶在转化白藜芦醇苷制备白藜芦醇中的应用 ZL 200810014833.8 授权日: 2010年10月13日

(6)槐糖脂在制备抗宫颈癌药物中的应用 ZL 200910230625.6 授权日: 2011年05月11日

(7)一种拟威克酵母变种抗肿瘤活性槐糖脂粗提物的制备方法 ZL 200610042181.x 授权日:2012年09月19日

(8)一种利用木质纤维素材料发酵生产槐糖脂的方法 ZL 201110403823.5 申请日2011年12月7日 授权日 2013年05月29日

(9)一种以棉籽糖蜜及棉籽油为底物发酵生产槐糖脂的方法 ZL 201310500652.7

(10)十八碳双乙酰化两个双键内酯型槐糖脂及其应用 ZL201310239943.5 申请日:2013年6月17日 授权日:2015年11月11日 

(11)十六碳双乙酰化无双键内酯型槐糖脂及其应用 ZL201310239674.2 申请日:2013年 授权日:2015年11月04日

(12)十六碳双乙酰化一个双键内酯型槐糖脂及其应用ZL201310239416.4 申请日:2013年 授权日:2015年12月23日

(13)一种用于提高丝状真菌蛋白表达的草酸青霉宿主菌 ZL201410222903.4 申请日2014年5月23日 授权日 2016年04月06日

(14)十八碳双乙酰化一个双键内酯型槐糖脂及其应用ZL 201310239942.0 申请日2013年6月17日 授权日 2016年05月25日



山东省科学技术奖(技术与发明奖) 三等奖 位次1 (一二三等奖, 共计17项)



参译《有机化学中的生物转化》 化学工业出版社,2006年1月出版。



Transformation by microbial enzymes, Chemical industry Press: Beijing, Jun 2004

Biotransformation in organic Chemistry Chemical industry Press: Beijing,Jan 2006

English-Chinese biology dictionary, Science Press: Beijing Jan 2009